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Weekly Report (2024/06/22)

This time it's just one week, still an interesting week though. It rained a lot, which forced me to go out of the routine a little. But it was an experience I guess.

Current Improvement Project (Piano Chords)

I just finished the 87th session of playing the piano as of writting this. I've been focusing on practicing the intro of Rolling Girl and Run Away Fugitives from Pokemon Mystery Dungeon. That last one is one of the most important songs to me. It brings a lot of memories and it gave me confort in a time I was feeling really lonely and depressed.

So yeah, I really really want to be able to play that song in a way that comunicates what it meant to me. I don't think I'll get it perfect. I'm at a point in the learning process where progress is really slow. The skill ceiling for this instrument is incredibly high and I understand why people like learning it.

Anyways, my plan for the next week is to focus on Run Away Fugitives. If I'm able to play it before session 100 I don't know what I'm gonna do, but I'll figure something out.

Weekend Projects

Pico8 Rabbit Prototype

This week had a national holiday, so I managed to have some time to work on stuff I like. I made a prototype for a platformer in pico8. It started because I wanted to test the particle system I made.

A gif showing a pixelart rabbit samurai jumping from the left side of the screen to the right side, and then from the right side to the left.

That day I spent like 3 hours working on the prototype (in confortable 1-hour sessions in between house chores and stuff). And by the end of that day I had this:

A gif showing the same pixelart rabbit samurai as before, but now it has a running animation and a small animation when it lands. The rabbit jumps from one platform to another at a pretty fast speed.

After doing that prototype I wanted to incorporate Super Smash Bros Melee's wave dash into the game. So I spent an extra hour today to see if I could do that. I managed to implement a simple dash that when in contact with the floor you auto-jump.

A gif showing the same pixelart rabbit samurai. The rabbit runs through a long wooden hallway, jumping and dashing diagonally down. Every time the bunny dashes its speed increases by a small amount.

A gif showing the same pixelart rabbit samurai. The rabbit dashes once and turns a different color, after a while it shines and becomes its regular color. The rabbit dashes again, but after that it jumps and hits its head in the ceiling of the hallway, which turns it back to its original color faster. Finally it does a small trick where it dashes, hits its head in the ceiling and right after that it dashes again.

I made it so the dash has a cooldown of like half a second. This is just enough so you can't chain dashes together. But my idea for this game is that there are ways you can reduce that cooldown, like hitting your head on the ceiling for example.

That way if you use the environment in a smart way you are rewarded by being able to go faster.


I helped one of the other people on the team with one of their tasks. He had to do the tea-making station for the game. He has had this task for like 2 or 3 weeks and hadn't started it so I wanted to preassure them a little.

We ended up doing the 3d model together. I'm a little worried that this person would only work on the project if there's somebody watching them work. Which is a terrible quirk to have.

For context, in the second meeting we had we decided I am the one responsible of the 3D models. Which meant other people are allowed to help me, but if a 3d model is missing the responsibility is mine. This person offered to help me so I gave them the 3d model of the tea-making station to work on while I made the other models the team needed.

I managed to finish my part (six 3d models) by the end of week 1. The thing is we didn't have a lot of meetings because of outside problems. So yeah, I was kind of let down by this person when I found out they haven't even started in the middle of week 3.


I think I need to bring this up for the next meeting. I don't want to cause conflicts, but it's important that I communicate if I feel unconfortable with something.

I'm going to try to give them a second chance. I'll tell them that as this task is my responsibility, I need them to tell me ahead of time if they can't do it. That way I can plan ahead to be able to still finish the task on time.

So yeah, Projectea is in a complicated state in my opinion. I hope it gets better.

PMD Roleplay Stuff

I started working on a section of a rulebook for PMD Roleplay where I give a primer of how ICRPG works. I want to start working on a PDF that is like a tutorial. So it teaches you the rules while playing.

I think I need to playtest more first though. If I want to do that I think I'll need to start playing again. Which is fun, I miss it.

I have some ideas on how to make the game easier to track so I'll work on that when I'm inspired.

This Website!

I added some content for Mi, I try not to say what I add there, but I did something. I also added global variables to the website generator. This means I can make dynamic templates! Which means things like webcomics are possible now!

I don't know if I'll ever make a webcomic again, but who knows really. At least I can.

Out of the Routine and into the Unknown

This week the bus had an accident on my way home. It wasn't as bad as it sounds, there was a guy parked in a weird way on the busy street and the bus hit the car and the car's front deformed a little bit. Nobody got hurt, but the car guy was pretty mad about it and started to argue with the bus driver.

So I got off the bus and took the oportunity to go eat to a nearby Subway. I ordered a footlong Pizza Sub with tomato, lettuce, olives, peppers and mayo. It was nice and not that heavy on the stomach.

After that I walked to the subway (the underground trains one) and got home around 40 minutes later than normal. But I didn't need to eat so it was a pretty nice rest of the day.

Yesterday I also went to buy some socks near work because mine got soaked. They only sold socks in packs of 6 around there and they were very expensive (my workplace is near a wealthy neighbourhood). At first I was a little sad I had to spend so much money on socks, but it didn't surpass my monthly budget and it was kind of worth it. The socks are super warm which is nice because its winter around here and its raining a lot more than other years.

All in all, not a bad deal.


I made a profile picture for telegram. It ended up being not very polished but I really like it, it makes me smile when I look at it (that's me! That's how I see myself!).

A drawing of myself, I'm looking at the camera with a calm and happy expression. I'm wearing a hoodie that's open in the middle with a shirt. My hair looks very cool too!

None of my friends said anything about it though... But hey, it's pretty cool.

An 88x31 button graphic with 'Web 14' written on it and featuring a headshot drawing of an anthropomorphic panda girl. Status Cafe