Red Wine Reduction
This is a recipe I use after I make burgers or other meat. If I don't wash the pan immediately it gets all goopy and gross with the oil and the meat juice.
This recipe is a great way to put those things to use while making the pan easier to clean afterwards.
- Around half a cup of any diced veggies (onions or chives are good)
- Half a cup of red wine
- 50 gr of butter
Kitchen Tools
- 1 Frying Pan covered in meat juice
- 1 Cup
- 1 Spoon
- 1 Butter Knife (or any knife tbh)
- Cut 50 gr of butter with the butter knife, put in in the pan at low heat and melt it. Make sure to grab as much meat juice as possible.
- Add the veggies and fry them for around 3-5 minutes using the spoon.
- Add the red wine, mix and let it rest for 2 minutes, or until the alcohol has evaporated.
- Serve the sauce on top of the meat you cooked! It tastes better as a small touch of flavour instead of being absorbed by grains or other side dishes.
Additional Tips!
- If you do this enough times you can add the red wine directly from its container. This may take some practice to measure with your eyes how much wine is enough. But if you pull it off then you don't have to use the cup, meaning there's one less thing to wash afterwards.
- You can use pickled veggies as well! That way you don't have to make them on the spot.